I think this game rocks. You guys should Totally make another version!
I think this game rocks. You guys should Totally make another version!
This is a complete waste of space. So stupid unless you are maybe a 6 yr old girl.
However, I keep losing all memory of my looks that I saved...
Kinda fun.Very confusing.I wouldnt recommend this game
If you tap on the girl in the upper left corner, the song Lights Out plays and that song has the a word in it. Why was this 4+?!
Boring and lame its soooooooo stupid it just makes me mad if your looking for a good game this is defiantly isnt the game u would want to choose so lame and boring
The only other person that wrote review was mean if you dont have anything nice to write dont write anything at all luv this game oh and haters read this before you review it or maybe play the game first all of them please.
This is a very good app keeps me alert when Im bored love it!!!!!
I thought it wood be awesome but its actually kinda boring